Monday, 9 May 2011

Saul-Focus group

Following on from Audience questionnaires we have now chose to interview individuals within the age bracket of 16-19 this is to gain an insight into some of thier background information without coming across too intruding.

I feel as if this research is crucial in ensuring we meet the requirements of what our particular target audience look for within soap operas.

Focus Group- A small group selected from a wider population and sampled, as by open discussion, for its members' opinions about or emotional response to a particular subject or area, used especially in market research or political analysis. ( )
A focus group is a form of qualitative research in which a group of people are asked about their perceptions, opinions, beliefs and attitudes towards a product, service, concept, advertisement, idea, or packaging. ...( )
Audience 1
1) How old are you?

2) What is your ethnicity?
Other Black

3) What area do you currently live in?
Do you prefer the suburbs or the city?
4) What are your hobbies?

5) What attracts you to soap operas?
Good storylines, Attractive Cast

6) What channel do you watch the most?
BBC1, Channel 4
7) How many soap operas do you watch per week, Please name these soap operas
1, Eastenders
8) If a new soap opera was to be shown at 8:30 pm on Thursday on channel 4, would you watch it?
Yes, because it does not clash with Eastenders.

Audience 2

1) How old are you?
2) What is your ethnicity?
White European

3) What area do you currently live in?
Edmonton, London
4) Do you prefer the suburbs or the city?
5) What are your hobbies?
Singing,Rave,Read books
6) What attracts you to soap operas?
Waterloo road is like real life and I can relate to the situations within the narrative.
7) What channel do you watch the most?
8) How many soap operas do you watch per week, Please name these soap operas
2 , Waterloo Road, Eastenders
9) If a new soap opera was to be shown at 8:30 pm on Thursday on channel 4, would you watch it?

Audience 3

1) How old are you?
2) What is your ethnicity?
White British

3) What area do you currently live in?
Do you prefer the suburbs or the city?
4) What are your hobbies?
5) What attracts you to soap operas?
The drama within soap narratives.
6) What channel do you watch the most?
BBC1, Channel 4
7) How many soap operas do you watch per week, Please name these soap operas
2, American operas , Vampire diaries, How I met your mother.
8) If a new soap opera was to be shown at 8:30 pm on Thursday on channel 4, would you watch it?

Audience 4

1) How old are you?

2) What is your ethnicity?
Black African

3) What area do you currently live in?
4) Do you prefer the suburbs or the city?
5) What are your hobbies?
Football, clubbing, Socialising
6) What attracts you to soap operas?
Good narratives, Interesting characters
7) What channel do you watch the most?
8) How many soap operas do you watch per week, Please name these soap operas
1, Eastenders
9) If a new soap opera was to be shown at 8:30 pm on Thursday on channel 4, would you watch it?

From these results we can conclude that most of our focus group aged between 16-18 watch both BBC1 and Channel4. Also the mojority of our focus froup watch television at 8.30 in the evening.Also the fact that most of our target audience are interested within soaps like Eastenders.

Focus group brief interview

Above this is a brief interview carried out in order to gain insight into the types of programmes our particular target audience are interested in.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Focus groups are seen as an important tool for acquiring feedback regarding new products, as well as various topics. Focus groups can provide accurate information, and are less expensive than other forms of traditional marketing research. Thanks a lot....

    Bulletin-board Focus Groups
