Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Saul - Final Storyboard

After drafting the storyboard three times i finally came up with the three images below Although we may not use all of the different scenes featured within our storyline i feel as if a storyboard is a crucial way to visualise the outcome of our trailer before it has been shot.

Board 1 : Palmers Green Station

Above within this scene we aim to feature the return of the soaps main character by capturing him coming off of a train.

Board 2: Empire avenue Int. House

Within this scene we aim to introduce characters Nicole and David and thier decietful relationship.

Board 3. Ext. Alley

Here we aim to introduce the Dark side of character Craig.

television listings and soap magazines act as a weekly access to gossip outside of a soap opera this is particularly evident through the ways in which a typical headline would say something like " will she kill sis." and other referances to a soap operas Narrative.

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