Minutes of Meetings 1/3/2022
Agenda: What are we going to shoot next thursday
Present at meeting: Saul,Mus and Demitri
Person recording minutes: Demetri
Start time: 10.30 am
End time:10.40
Saul: Considering the storyboard and the narrative what do we want to film first we dont have to film in chronological order.
Mus: I think we should get the train station scenes out of the way because they are the most difficult to film.
Demetri: Yeh i agree because on thursday we are all free and the train station will take the longest time because we have to time when to get the establishing shot of the train.
Saul:Ok i think that day would be great as we can get numerous establishing shots and thats the day when there is phew people at the station during the day.
Demetri: its a good idea to gt this scene out of the way because the house scenes and the street scenes are easier to record so if we record this scene early we can identify which elements work.
Mus: Dem if we shoot on thrusday can you edit the short clip for the following monday
Saul: we'll create a shooting scritpt now.so we can prepare for thursday.
Mus: ok well ive got the camera.
*end of minuites*
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