Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Mustafa - Evaluation Task 2


This is our poster for our new soap opera ‘Empire Avenue’ I think that as this is a poster, it has to be very basic and the information on this poster has to be very clear. Information such as viewing time and the channel it is going to be aired on, and how many times a week it will be shown on TV.
The strengths of our poster is that it is very clear and very basic. We have a cropped image of two of our characters; this image shows tension between the characters, which can show the audience that they are at a rough patch within their relationship. The title at the top shows the audience the title ‘Empire Avenue’ this signifies to the audience that this is a soap, the title of this is a typical soap title, as other soap operas such as coronation street which is the name of an actual road. The viewing times and the days it is going to be shown are printed on the poster as well as audiences are clearly informed about the days and times shown, the channel that our new soap is going to be shown is also clearly shown on the poster.
I think the weakness of our poster is the colour, it is not that enticing and can prevent attracting audiences, and can affect the amount of audiences watching the shows.


this is our home page for our new soap, this is the welcome page to our site, which has 4 other page links to it. These pages include character pages of David Wake and Craig Smith and other pages including photos of the soap and a blog of upcoming events. Our home page includes the trailer for our soap. And also an introductory paragraph of what our soap is about, and what you can look forward to.
The home page shows the channel logo which is ‘E4’ which shows the audience what channel our soap will be shown on and at the same time can signify the target audience we are trying to cater to.

This is our trailer for our new soap ‘Empire Avenue’. Our goal for this trailer was to show audiences that we can create a soap trailer by applying soap conventions and narratives to the trailer.
I believe that in our soap we have produced really clear and typical storylines, and characters that our target audience can definitely relate to.
One of our downfalls for our trailer was not using all the shots that we had taken, I believe our trailer could have been more effective and narratives clearer to the audience if we used the shots that had not been used, some of the shots include one of our characters getting off the train signifying his return to the

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