We also used the flip camera in order to take stills for promotional purposes of our soap opera these included Posters, Magazine covers and also Website headers.
Above: here is an image of the still i used on my Magazine cover.

During the process of Construction, Research and Planning we used Apple computers to carry out a variety of tasks.We used a collection of software in order to Produce, Promote and carry out individual research into the conventions of Soap.
We used Photoshop to carry out Our auxillary task where we were required to create a magazine cover. We chose to use photoshop over other Media creating software such as Microsoft Published because of How professional the software is at creating Images.

We used facebook for research purposes in order to gain audience feedback through allowing our peers to leave useful comments and allowing them to critically analyse our trailer. This was significantly effective as most of our friends on facebook are of the age of our target audience so there feedback is most useful in enabling us to identify whether our soap appeals to its target audience.

We used i Web to create an overall template for our website. We produced a variety of pages in order to provide an online portal for audience members to visit in order to find out more about the soap.Although previously we had never used this software it was extremely straight forward and usful in helping our stages of production.

Above here is an early screen shot of the welcome page to our site.the website pages were very easy to make due to the fact that the application provided the oppertunity for users to select an overall template for the website.
We used i movie in order to carry out Basic editing of our focus group and audience analysis videos. We chose only to use this software to edit our focus group tasks due to the how basic this software is resulting in a lack of the ability to create certain effects for e,g, this software has limited effects in comparison to the software we used (Sony Vegas)
We used safari as a source of secondary research using it to research the conventions of the Soap Genre and other elements of Soap Dramas.
We used blogger to keep an online diary for the production process of our soap trailer.this was effective as it provided an online referance for us to refer back to after if we needed to recap on our process.
We used Safari to search the different conventions of Soap operas and research different soaps on online search engine google. This was successfull as each search result came up with thouands of results of secondary research.
We used London grid for learning in order to obtain Royalty free music to avoid breetching copyright laws.At first we found it difficult to find a track that most appeal our target audience but in the end we found an appropriate track we felt would be best suited to the conventions of a Soap opera.

We used Youtube to provide an online portal for Audiences to watch our trailer. Similar to our AS production we used Youtube as a Source of annotation for our trailer. This online application was sometimes difficult to use as we could not always make the video tags appear in the correct places.

Every software was not either not available to us on the schools Apple computer or was easier to use on a Windows computer because of this we decided to use both in order to carry out specific production tasks.

In comparison to The limiting factors of IMovie we felt that using Sony Vegas pro had many beneficial factors. We used sony Vegas in order to edit our Trailer on a more proffessional scale in comparison to last year.

Also considering the fact that we would like to have our trailer previewed by the audiences of channels like E4 we felt our title sequences qould have to most suit the layout of many e4 programmes Title sequences.
We used microsoft word in order to Create and annotate tables. we used this software because we felt it was most easiest to create fast and efficient tables for our * shooting scripts * Production schedules * shooting schedules and also location Recci's
Below here is a copy of our production schedule.

We used more Basic microsoft software such as paint in order to save files to JPEG in order to post them on our blogs
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